Category Archives: June 2013

Life in the MoHo – 6/26/13

Now that we have been traveling for over a month now, I thought I would give an update on general life on the MoHo.  Most of our posts have been about places we have been and they have been incredible so far, but there is a lot to be said about the lifestyle of traveling on the road and what a change it is from living traditionally in a non-moving home.

Mike & I have our routine pretty set when we leave somewhere (break-down) and arrive at a new place (set-up).  We are doing this on average every 3 days, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer.  I am typically in charge of the inside and he is in charge of the outside.  My duties include, but are not limited to, setting up the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom areas and getting the slides out.  Mike is in charge of power, water, sewer (grody-jody) and satellite.  We both do the hook-up/unhook-up of the toad.  We have our set-up down to about 15 mins, but breakdown takes closer to an hour.  Not bad as we shaved it down quite a bit from when we first started.

Here are some specifics to fill you in on:

Groceries – At home, we usually loaded up at Costco and stored a lot, then did a grocery store run about once a week.  In the MoHo our food storage is definitely limited especially in the fridge/freezer, so we are hitting the grocery store or local “general store” every 3 days usually.  We are trying to limit eating out, but since we are moving around so much, it is hard to resist trying out the local joints.

Laundry – We have a combo washer/dryer on the MoHo that we have used once.  It works, but the load size is quite small.  We have found it to be easier to just use the pay laundry facilities at the RV Parks and get 2-3 loads done at once in their larger capacity washer and dryer.  At home, I did laundry every week sometimes more than that, but on the road we have only done it 3 times in 6 weeks. I’m finding we are also generating less laundry not working and wearing things multiple times.  It’s just us and we don’t really need to impress each other! J  I think when we are back in Seattle, we’ll take out the washer/dryer and replace it with a wine fridge – Mike’s wish comes true.

Dishwasher – We don’t have one.  Add a very small kitchen sink into the mix and you get the picture.  We do use paper plates occasionally, but still like our “real” plates when we make a more formal dinner.  We are just dealing with this one and tackle it together so we stay on top of it.  Really no big deal in the grand scheme.

Wi-Fi – Don’t get me started.  The service has been soooooo slow.  In larger cities (Bend and Salt Lake) it was better, but in the smaller places we have stayed, it has been brutal.  I know we are not supposed to be on the computer, but when you need it, you want to be able to do what you need to do and be done with it.  Uploading photos and the blog have been the worst, but we are really trying to keep the blog as current as possible.  Not to mention we need the internet to research our upcoming destinations and accommodations.  This is something we are just going to have to deal with and realize we can’t control.  Mike is better at this than me (no patience…)

Mike blogging

Mike blogging

Satellite TV – Similar to wi-fi, I know we shouldn’t be obsessed with getting TV, but let’s face it, it’s a creature comfort we both like.  At this point, mostly for sports, but I do like my occasional Reality TV fix.  We have been forced to deal with DirecTV since the MoHo was already set up with the equipment from the previous owner.  There is no sugar coating it, this company is BRUTAL to work with.  We are dealing with it the best we can and trying to go with the flow.  It’s one of those things that when it’s working, we don’t think about it, but the moment something goes wrong, it is maddening as heck.  I lose all patience, so poor Mike is forced to deal with them.

Shower – Our shower on the MoHo is MUCH smaller than what we had at home, but surprisingly it is working out fine.   Water pressure and temperature have not been an issue at all.  Sometimes we will use the RV Park facilities, but I prefer the MoHo because it has all of my stuff set up and close at hand.  Mike could is less particular, so he has used the park facilities more often than I have.

Cleaning – Many of you know that I am a bit of clean/organization freak and the MoHo is no exception.  I feel like we finally have everything in its place and organized to my liking with minimal clutter.  The storage underneath is Mike’s domain, but he has it pretty well organized.  The nice thing is that we have much less space (350 sq ft vs. 2,400 sq ft at our last house) so cleaning doesn’t take nearly as much time.  Granted I had cleaners at the house, but I did a lot of tidying myself too.  My routine is to clean (take out garbage, wipe down countertops/surfaces, clean toilet, sweep & do mirrors) when we are breaking-down and leaving to the next place.  This takes all of 15 mins.  Deeper clean like the shower and mopping are less frequent but not too daunting.

Cleaning (part 2) – It is impossible to keep the exterior of the MoHo and Toad (MDX) clean when on the road as much as we are.  Bug central! The windshield on the MoHo is a constant battle. It is HUGE which makes for excellent viewing, but it is a chore to clean.  The truck stops all have extra long handles, but to really do a thorough job, a ladder is required (Mike’s job). The MDX is another story as this still feels like “my” car, which I want to keep as clean as possible.  But every time we tow, it gets covered in dust/bugs/road dirt, etc.   We have washed it a few times, but it seems pointless because it gets dirty again pretty quickly.  The interior has always been spotless, but since we spend a lot of time in it when we are out & about, it has become more cluttered than I like, but I am learning to let this one go.

Mike washing the windshield

Mike washing the windshield

Clothes – Can you say over pack?!  When loading up the MoHo, we probably only packed about a third of our clothes, shoes, etc and this brought on anxiety (me not Mike).  The whole “what if” scenario played out in my head a lot.  I have probably not even worn a third of that third.  Granted we have been in really warm weather, but we both seem to go to our favorites.  For shoes I have only worn flip-flops and hiking boots.  All of my “cute” sandals are still in their bin.  But, I’m sure as we move on to different climates and scenarios we will start using other items.  Bottom line is that we really don’t need as much as we packed and it is also fun to buy things along the way, so when we are back in Seattle we’ll be unloading some of the unnecessary items.

Storage – This has not been a problem at all.  We still have a lot of unused space inside the MoHo, which is very surprising.  The underneath compartments are pretty full though.  Amazing how much stuff we had at the house and now how little we really need on the MoHo!  I was so worried about this and it is not an issue at all.

Bills/Mail – Before leaving, we set up a P.O. Box which my mom is checking for us weekly.  Mostly junk mail coming through, but the occasional piece that needs attention (thanks Mom!).  All of our correspondence, bills and banking are now done online which is pretty freeing.  What seemed like quite a chore at home is now all automatic and something I don’t even need to worry about.  Except the wi-fi issue (see above…)

Outside – This is probably the best part of this whole adventure.  I thought of myself as an outdoorsy type of person before, but I wasn’t even close.  We spend most of our time outside now.  Exploring, walking, hiking, sitting outside the MoHo, etc. and it feels great!   As long as it is not raining outside, we are out there.  Our living space may be small, but really we have all the space we need right outside the door!

Enjoying the outside living area - watching the Mariners

Enjoying the outside living area – watching the Mariners

We are both doing well and sure as ever that this was the right decision for us.  Aside from the occasional little glitch, things have been going very smoothly.  For me having a routine was always such an important thing, but being forced out of routine has been good.  We have met some great people so far and looking forward to visiting some old friends along the way.  Our adventure is really just beginning, but so far so good.  Thanks for reading!

Last stop in Utah – 6/22/13 to 6/23/13

"Seven Sailors" in Valley of the Gods

“Seven Sailors” in Valley of the Gods

The drive to Bluff was short from Moab, but no less beautiful. We had more mountains to see, a little less desert, but all still very nice views. The park we stayed at in Bluff, The Cadillac Ranch, was small and perfect. A family has owned and run the park for the better part of at least 20 years; there are only about 12 sites here. The park is in the middle of the canyon that the San Juan River has carved out and is still flowing nicely though this area.
We set up the RV and it was early so we headed to the Four Corners region. Let’s just say we saw it. There is a nice little area of descriptions and the actual steel plaque in the ground at the site for a photo, but that is about it. One of those places that I can say we went to, but never need to go back. We finished the afternoon off with a short stint down at the river, and then back to the MoHo for Taco’s.

The next day we set off early to the Natural Bridges National Monument – part of the National Parks system, but not designated as a NP. We got a tip from Dee Dee (family friend) to drive a road in the area. We looked it up, and with some additional research, decided to give this a try. The first part of the journey was on the Valley of the Gods dirt road. This 17-mile trek through the Monuments area of southern Utah was spectacular! This road is surrounded by massive canyon walls, dried out washes and shrubs, a truly awesome back road. It took us about 1.5 hours to drive this portion of the road, pictures, and slow on the dirt/gravel, but just awesome. The road eventually ties back into Hwy 261, and this is called the Moki Dugway portion of the Hwy. It climbs about 1,200-1,400 feet in three miles, and gave us the view back into the valley we just drove. Again, Utah amazed us with the openness and distances we could see from here. This is one of those roads you never will forget. If you ever get in the area, make sure to take this highway but do make sure you come in from the south and go uphill, I could not fathom driving downhill on that road!

We arrived to the Bridges N.M. and checked into the visitor’s center – free maps and water – a must in these parts. We hiked down to the first of the bridges, Sipapu Bridge, the second longest natural land bridge in the world. Until you stand underneath it, it seems so simple and small from a distance. Then you realize the massiveness that remains and wonder how in the world it is still standing. We returned to the car, hiking back up the 500 feet, and decided to just take pictures of the second bridge (Kachina). The last bridge, Owachomo, we decided to hike down to and this one was much younger, and a lot more delicate. It felt that if the wind kicked up hard, this could come down at any time. I caught myself thinking many times that George Lucas must have used this place as inspiration for some of the settings and structures for the Star Wars movies. We were lucky that there were very few people here so we could enjoy the area without anyone on top of us. This has been great at the smaller parks, and I think we have enjoyed them more because of the quietness. We headed back to the MoHo for steaks and a nice bottle of JM Cellars vino and watched Episode 1 of the Star Wars series. Off to Ouray, CO next!

Owachomo Bridge, Bridges National Monument

Owachomo Bridge, Bridges National Monument

Moki Dugway - check out the switchbacks!

Moki Dugway – check out the switchbacks!

Here are more pics!

Moab, UT – Arches NP and Canyonlands NP – 6/18/13 to 6/21/13

Landscape Arch, Arches National Park

Landscape Arch, Arches National Park

We arrived to some heat, 98 degrees here, but it is a dry heat as “they” say in the desert. The drive here was another spectacular trip. Only about 180 miles, but still awesome at every turn (and I notice every turn when I am pushing 31,000 lbs. down the road, and towing another 4,500 lbs.)! As you can guess, I need a cold one or two after the drive, so we headed to the Moab Brewery. As luck would have it, it was Tuesday night and from 4-6, all chicken wings were $.25 each; can you say HEAVEN!! (Weird Utah laws, no happy hour’s for alcohol at any of the dining establishments, but “nightly specials” for food are allowed).

We stayed at the north end of town at the Moab RV Park, nice gated place that has really easy access to town, would come back for sure. Our first full day here we decided to go to Arches NP. Everyone has seen some photos of this place, and after spending the last two weeks here in Utah it seemed familiar as we entered the park. (We entered twice, I forgot to turn on the AC, so we had to go back and turn it on; that would have been a devastating return to the MoHo in this heat late in the day). We got to see some 8 or so arches on the hike we chose, and each one was amazing in its own way. They all have cool names like North and Sound window, Delicate arch, Landscape arch, Double O arch, etc. Some small, some large, all distinct, and amazing that they are still standing. We drove through the park the rest of the day, and took in some of the more easily accessible arches. Some of these things are massive! It shocks me to see these wonders of the world in person, another place the pictures just do not do the justice that the naked eye can see.

The next day was our day to cool off, a float down the historic Colorado River! We chose a ½ day trip, with lunch, transportation and equipment. The river is not running too high now, so it was more of a float like the Yakima River for those of you who know what I mean, but still a bit of rapids here and there to get you wet. They also had 2-person blowup kayaks called “duckies” that we got to use which we took advantage of. A great group of people on the trip and we would recommend Canyon Voyages Adventure Company if you are in the area. We ended the evening with a really great dinner at Pasta Jay’s, a Boulder, CO company that has a location in Moab. Great sidewalk table, and more food than anyone could eat — there are going to be some great leftovers.

The last full day we headed to Canyonlands NP. Much smaller of the parks, as there was only one “pay” station at the entrance, and it was unattended, the honor system. (We bought the yearly pass to all the National Parks for $80 back in Crater Lake, so now we are getting in for free, so to speak). This area is about 6,000-7,000 feet in elevation, so a bit cooler than Moab – by about 10 degrees. We decided to go to the end of the road and take our hike in the “Islands of the Sky” region to see this area from above. (We had met a couple of teachers from Missouri on our raft trip the day before, and they said if you have not seen the Grand Canyon, this will give you an idea of what it looks like). We did a short 1-mile hike out to the end of the bluff, and you better not be afraid of heights here, as it is a long way down to the area I would call the “subfloor.” (There is a 100-mile drive through this subfloor area, called the White Rim road that is for 4-wheel drive only, high clearance vehicles. They recommend you take two days to do the drive, and you can see much of the road from up here). From the subfloor area, the Green and Colorado rivers have carved this place up and you get the complete picture of why it is called Canyonlands NP. You can see for some 35-40 miles in almost all directions, truly awesome to be there. We finished our day with a quick stop at a local winery in Moab, Spanish Valley Vineyards and Winery – one of 11 wineries in the state. Similar hot and cold weather to our Eastern Washington, but the soil is a lot different.

Canyonlands National Park - it's a long ways down!

Canyonlands National Park – it’s a long ways down!

Next, we are on to Bluff and our last few days here in Utah. We both agree, this state needs to step up their marketing within the US of what they have; these parks are incredible. We found that most of the people we encountered in the parks were foreigners, which surprised us. We had very little knowledge of what was here, now we will never forget and tell everyone we know this is a must for the bucket list!

Pics are HERE for Arches National Park
Pics are HERE for Canyonlands National Park

Capitol Reef National Park – 6/15/13 to 6/17/13

We headed east and continued on Scenic Byway 12.  Our destination was Torrey, jumping off point for Capitol Reef NP.  We only needed to go about 100 miles, but it took us close to 3 hours.  A very windy and hilly road.  At one point we climbed to 9,400 feet and then had to come back down at 8-10% grades downhill.  Not fun in the MoHo, but Mike did great.  The views were absolutely fantastic.  There was another spot called Hogsback where we were literally driving on a ridge with steep drop-offs on either side.  Sitting up high, I could really feel it, but the vistas were amazing!

We arrived at Thousand Lakes RV Park (great location, setting and amenities!)and decided to just take it easy for the day and get the lay of the land.  Drove out to the visitor center to get our maps to plan our hikes for the next few days.  Then hit the General Store for food and stopped at a local Greenhouse.  Very cool!  We picked fresh peas, onions and cut a variety of lettuce for a mixed green salad – $5 for everything.  The gardener suggested a spicy arugula, which is native to the area to add to our salad, which he basically cut off of a volunteer plant growing in the parking lot.  Random.  But, the salad was so fresh and  delicious, it will be hard to go back to store bought, and that arugula made it!  The spice was a flavor I have never tasted.

While at the Greenhouse, a local couple suggested a hike for us for the next day – Sulphur Creek Trail.  We took them up on their suggestion!  It was a hike through a steep-walled canyon with most of it through the creek.  We put on our water shoes and it was a great hike to stay cool on a hot day.  We ended at the visitor center and hitched a ride with an older French couple back to our car at the trailhead.  When we got in their car the wife’s iPhone was playing loud music and she couldn’t figure out how to turn it off.  She handed it back to Mike and he promptly opened iTunes and hit stop.  Funny thing is the phone was in French, but it obviously worked the same as ours.  We definitely had a language barrier with them, but lots of smiles and a ‘merci beaucoup’ when they dropped us off seemed to be all we needed! Home to the MoHo to watch the final round of the US Open – watching golf is one of our indulgences.  Phil didn’t pull it out, but we were happy that Justin Rose won.

Woke up the next morning and I was definitely sluggish. The heat and all of the hiking were catching up with me I think.  But, had to kick it in for our last day here.  Drove into the park along the “Scenic Drive” to the Capitol Gorge Road for our hike.  We chose the Golden Throne Trail.  A strenuous, 4 miler, with 730 feet of elevation.  It was a good one and the views at the top stunning.  We ate our lunch then headed back down.  Explored a bit more in the park, including a stop for ice cream at the historic Gifford House, and a jar of local pickles and salsa.  Yummy!

Capitol Reef was definitely less busy than Zion or Bryce. On our first day’s hike we didn’t see anyone else and on the second day’s hike, only 2 people.  Kind of nice to be away from crowds.   Driving to and from this park and within the park has been the most scenic so far.  The area itself is just full of jaw-dropping views.  We would definitely recommend this less visited NP.  We head to Moab tomorrow, which will be our home base for the last two National Parks of Utah – Canyonlands and Arches.

Click HERE for pics of our two hikes in the park!

Bryce National Park – 6/12/13 to 6/14/13

Note:  We have had VERY spotty wi-fi, so can’t upload images.  Go to the bottom of the post for links to photos if you are interested.  Thx!

We left Zion and headed to Bryce thinking we can’t top what we have already seen in Utah. Well, Bryce may not have topped it, but is sure was damn close! We arrived at the KOA in Cannonville, nice park, got set up early and decided to go back and check into a tourist info place at the start of the canyon area, Red Canyon. On our way, we stopped at a turn off and decided to take a quick check into the Mossy Cave trail. Great choice, as we found a nice little creek and waterfall that was part of an irrigation canal that was put in by Mormon settlers some 125 years ago and still is working, amazing. We saw some of the most incredible Hoodoo’s in the area, but needed to get moving to our goal, Red Canyon. We got to the Red Canyon area and took a short hike and saw some amazing topography. The pictures will never do this area justice; you just have to see it for yourself. The next day we headed to Bryce Canyon, the main destination of this stop on our trip. We decided to take a hike that was rated moderate to difficult. Thank goodness we got out early, the heat was on and we were feeling it. We hiked down some 500-600 feet to the canyon floor, and then met up with some other easier trails and headed back to the rim. The hike was Bryce Point to Sunset Point, and an ass kicker to say the least. On the way out we stopped for a moment and spoke to an older local guy who said we probably picked the best hike in the park! We got lucky and we will never forget how amazing this area was. Hopefully the pictures can portray the amazing scenery that we saw. The next day we decided to take more of a drive (off road) and less hike into Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. We did a little slot canyon trail that was scenic but not really what we were hoping for. We stopped at Grosvenor Arch, and this place was really cool, but it was hot and we were tired from yesterday. We took a few quick pic’s, and then onto the local state park around the corner, Kodachrome Basin State Park. (Named for the film that Kodak came out with in the late 1940’s.) We took a short 1.5 mile hike here, and it did not disappoint! This park is a great little gem in the Cannonville area that should not be missed. Many little outcroppings that will make your heart beat, but well worth taking a quick visit. We are headed to Torrey and the Capital Reef NP next!

Day 1 pics HERE (Mossy Cave Hike and Red Canyon)

Day 2 pics HERE (Bryce Canyon National Park)

Day 3 pics HERE (Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument & Kodachrome State Park)

Zion National Park – 6/11/13

The Narrows

The Narrows

Wow! Wow! Wow! The pictures in the link below will never do this place the justice it fully deserves! I can’t say it enough — anyone that has not been here needs to make plans to come. I had read and seen lots of pictures and info about Zion, but till you see it with your own eyes, you think it is not real.

We did the Narrows hike yesterday. The publications indicate to bring some water shoes  and be ready to get wet. There was a short one-mile walk to the river, and we got there early at 10am, as the temps had been in the high 90’s. This was where the real hike began and where everyone was crossing, so we followed. Within a few hundred yards we realized this is a bit more amazing than we thought. After about an hour, Traci looks to me and says, “this is the most amazing hike I think I have ever done!” We talk to several other first timers to the canyon and they repeat the same exact phrase, unprovoked. We spent almost 6 hours in the canyon and our feet were feeling it, a couple blisters, but it did not matter, there was no way to bring us down from this amazing place.  We estimate that we hiked in about 3 miles of the full 5-mile trip only to be stopped because we would have had to swim and this wouldn’t work with all of our gear. Traci’s pedometer for the day read 23,214 steps! This was the perfect hike for a hot day though as we were in and out of the water most of the day and shaded by the canyon.

Today, we got out earlier than the day before because of the expected heat.  We were on the trail by 9:20am and hiked to the Emerald Pools, which was a much shorter one than yesterday. However this hike was more uphill and in the heat. Wow, we were already tired; our recovery from the Narrows indicates we are not in our 20’s anymore (or 30’s)! Our legs felt like bricks, heavy and slow. We trudged up to the upper pool and I was sweating like I just ran a 5K run, it was already hot and it was only 10:30am. We hiked back, took the shuttle to the car and drove into the small town of Springdale on the South end of the park (We are staying at the Zion RV and Campground just outside the East entrance – much less croweded). We enjoyed a couple very cold beers and headed back to the MoHo to relax for the rest of the day as we are heading to Bryce Canyon tomorrow.

Hike to the Emerald Pools

Hike to the Emerald Pools

p.s.  We can’t say enough about the National Park Service here. The shuttle service to the various hikes was so well organized and of course everyone was so friendly and helpful.  How could they not be when they work in paradise?!

For additional pics, click HERE.  Warning – over 100 pics, but we cut it down from over 400!  The pics are high resolution so will take some time to load.  Just click on one of them and then you can scroll through them.

Salt Lake City Tourists – 6/8/13

Salt Lake Temple

Salt Lake Temple

We’ve been in Salt Lake for the past 2 nights and the weather has really heated up – in the 90’s.  Staying at a KOA close to the center of town with easy access to all of the sites.  We visited Temple Square, which is a 10-acre complex with many historic buildings including the iconic Salt Lake Temple, all related to Mormon history and genealogy.  We were there on a Friday and saw 20+ wedding parties taking photos.  I’m not sure if this is a normal occurrence or if Friday has some significance, but it was kind of cool.

We also went to the Saturday public market, the Great Salt Lake to dip our toes, historic Saltaire (a very cool story – click on the link to learn about this place) and the Olympic Park at Park City.  Oh and we ate at one of Man v. Food’s featured venues, Crown Burgers, for their famous cheeseburger topped with pastrami.  It did not disappoint!

Mike in the Great Salt Lake

Mike in the Great Salt Lake

Shreddin' in Park City

Shreddin’ in Park City








Neither of us have ever been here before and I must say it is a very pretty city, surrounded by gorgeous green, snow-capped mountains. We head south tomorrow to start our National Park extravaganza. First up: Zion.  Expect lots of photos over the next 2 weeks (that is if we can get a good wi-fi connection).

5 random observations from me:
1. Road construction is EVERYWHERE
2. RV Parks seem to all be located near railroad tracks
3. Driving make me sleepy no matter what time of day (sorry Mike)
4. My sleep number is 25; Mikes is 35
5. I am becoming more flexible everyday, but still have a ways to go…

Lamoille Lake Hike – 6/4/13

Lamoille Lake

Lamoille Lake – the view we were rewarded with after our intense hike!

We decided to take a drive to the Humbolt National Forest today – golf course was hosting a tournament so we will play golf later this week if we can get on. I was looking through a travel book that Traci’s friend Kindra gave us for our trip and it had a scenic drive that was very close to our place here in Elko. We took off about noon, and headed up to the Lamoille Canyon Scenic Byway. This canyon is huge. It feels like Glacier National Park in Montana, only a bit smaller. They call it the Grand Canyon of Nevada. It is extremely deep, with walls that must be at least 3-4,000 feet around us, very impressive. We drove to the end of the canyon, about 12 miles, passing several lookouts and a campground along the way. (The Thomas Canyon Campground looked really nice with very private sites and water running through the entire campground…for future reference).

Lamoille LakeThis is not our picture, but shows what the lake looks like after ice/snow meltsThis is not our picture, but shows what the lake looks like after ice/snow melt

We got to the parking lot and I had planned for a hike; brought our shoes, some food, lots of water, backpack, etc. We looked at the legend and thought we would go up hill vs. down hill, towards what we thought was Dollar Lakes. There were a few other groups out there and we started following a family with several children and fishing poles.  There are supposedly some nice Brooke Trout in these lakes – and where is my fishing gear – back in the MoHo. We passed two other groups on the trail, and shortly after the second group, the trail seemed to be very poor at best, probably because it is still early in the season. We kept trudging on as I thought I could see something here and there that resembled a trail. We knew from the terrain that there had to be a small lake ahead up over this little ridge. The surroundings got thicker, and now it was clear we were not on the trail anymore. After a good 30 minutes of trying to relocate the trail, we stopped for a moment and used the binoculars to take a longer look around. We saw two other groups of hikers, one to the left across the creek, the other group way to the right up on the side of a hill. We decided to head towards that hill, and in about 20 minutes we finally found a trail again that those people were using, no more foraging through the brush and marshes. This trail was heading straight up, switchbacks and eventually into several ice/snow fields. Now the trail was hidden again, but at this point I was not going to just give up and Traci was game for the challenge. We came over a ridge and there it was, the lake we had been looking for, only it was 99% covered in ice still! Absolutely stunning and not another person around. We stopped for a snack and some pictures and then it was time to head back. (My back had been sore the last 45 minutes or so, not sure why? A-G-E)

We followed our trail back through the snow and relocated the trail we came up.  It was much easier to follow this very well defined trail back to the car. When we got to the parking lot, we saw that there was a sign for the horse trail that we must have missed when we arrived. We looked back at the legend on the map, and we clearly hiked to Lamoille Lake, up at almost the 9,740-foot level! Holy smokes – that is why we were so tired – there is some thin air up here. We got back to the car and had the celebratory cold beverage, and now my back was killing me! No Advil in the car, so just had to suffer back to the MoHo. Got home and the back is in full inflammation, time for some pizza, good drugs and cold beers before bedtime.

The mountain above Mike's head feeds the lake that we hiked to.

The mountain above Mike’s head feeds the lake that we hiked to.Traci hiking through the snow on the way to lake.Traci hiking through the snow on the way to lake.

If you are interested in more pics, click HERE!

Is it June already? – 6/3/13

Hard to believe we are into June already and we have been on the road for almost 3 weeks!  We spent one night in Likely, CA and wished we could have stayed a few days in this little gem of a town.  The RV park was right on a golf course!  We had to get on the road to Reno where we had reservations for our Anniversary and to meet our friends Matt & Nicole.  We parked the MoHo in the parking lot of the Peppermill and stayed at the hotel.  The weather was hot, so it was nice to be in the hotel and use the pool.  We donated nicely to the Reno economy, but had a great time.  When we got on the road this morning, we both actually commented that we were happy to be back in our home on wheels.  Looking forward to a good night sleep tonight.  Drove about 5 hours today to Elko, NV across the heart of Northern Nevada.  We are staying at the Iron Horse RV Resort and plan to golf, maybe do a gold mine tour (so touristy, I know) and relax for a few days and get ready for the National Parks of Utah!!!

p.s. Miller is attempting his first batch of wings in the MoHo. For those of you who don’t know, this is a staple of his diet and something he was concerned about.  We only have a convection oven/microwave, so it will be interesting to see how they turn out.  Stay tuned…

Cocktail hour in Likely, CA

Cocktail hour in Likely, CA

Matt, Nicole, Mike & Traci -- so happy in Reno!

Matt, Nicole, Mike & Traci — Reno good times!